{あれ}{WebGPUで遺伝的プログラミング}{Cartesian Genetic Programming}(3)

{あれ K#EDD2/D36C}



{あれ K#EDD2/0931}

Rust Visual C++ prerequisites

Rust requires a linker and Windows API libraries but they don't seem to be

These components can be acquired through a Visual Studio installer.

1) Quick install via the Visual Studio Community installer
   (free for individuals, academic uses, and open source).

2) Manually install the prerequisites
   (for enterprise and advanced users).

3) Don't install the prerequisites
   (if you're targeting the GNU ABI).


Visual Studioに依存しててキショいな。Windowsやめたい。


rustup set default-host x86_64-pc-windows-gnuをしたうえでcargo runしたら動いた

